Many people are familiar with Craigslist, a commonly used website for people to post classified ads for free. Putting up an ad for an item on the internet may seem like it only requires a simple description, however if you really want to maximize your responses and get the most money for your item, it may entail a little more effort. Using Craigslist requires a level of trust from a buyer, being that they are making a transaction with a seller that they know little to nothing about. Being that this is the case, it is in a sellers best interest to try to eliminate as much uncertainty from the transaction as possible. PIctures are always a great way to ensure the buyers that the item is what you say it is. If there are any flaws in the item you are selling, it is important to accentuate them in the pictures and be honest. Even if there is something you are trying to hide, you can show other, smaller flaws to gain the buyers trust. Detailed and accurate descriptions of items are crucial as well, customers are scared of that which they do not understand, so make them understand. There are many subtle things that sellers can do to increase the their chances of selling their item for a good price and these are just a few. Do you have any personal favorite techniques for selling items on craigslist/ebay? Do you think that big companies use similar or different techniques to sell their products?