Apple recently released its newest creation this month, the Ipad which is a multi-use, portable tablet. The Ipad is a touch screen computer very similar to the Iphone but much larger. The Ipad is roughly the size of 4 Iphones put together and its intended use is as a personal computer. Critics and the media have met the Ipad with mixed, but mostly negative views. The reason that the Ipad is not being accepted well is it's lack of functionality, it basically is capable of the same functions as an Iphone and is not as portable. I have to question the marketing department at Apple with this creation as to who their target audience was. The Ipad is not small enough to fit in a pocket, and at the same time, does not have a large enough screen to be enjoyable for use at home. It also remains in limbo as far as its uses, it is not capable of as many functions as a home computer or laptop. Basically, what Apple has done, is created a larger, less portable Iphone that isn't really sure what it wants to be.
Usually Apple can be counted upon for great products such as the Iphone and Ipod, which have both changed the way the world works. However, Apple's latest concoction just doesn't seem to make sense. It is possible that Apple sees a niche for this product that the rest of the public hasn't seen but as it stands, this product appears as though it is set-up for disaster. The rest of the marketing was equally surprised with Apple stock dropping as Steve Jobs was making his key-note speech introducing the product. Hopefully Apple can recover from this bobble and continue to make great products. Do you think the Ipad has the potential to succeed or is it doomed for failure?
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